Project Description

Church of St. Peter in Laragh Village

There is a neogothic church made of tin in Laragh Village in County Monaghan (Ireland) that is still standing there as a symbol of love. According to the legend, it was a gift from local mill owner James McKean to his wife.

It was sent from Switzerland in parts and built here in 1890. Its accommodation on a rock surrounded by forest is reminiscent of the Swiss alpine landscape where the couple went on their honeymoon trip. But probably the more plausible reason for the church erection is the death of their 14-year-old son, supported by one of the inscriptions in the church that mentions the years of birth and death.

It was deconsecrated in 1962 and left to the ravages of time. Fortunately, its value was recognized again in 2010 by a local community and efforts were made to restore it to its original charm. It was re-opened for the public  in 2014 and now even hosts various events.