Project Description
<div>{oziogallery 183}</div>
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<div>Stanko Vraz, a prominent Illyrian poet, on his way from Slovenia came to Samobor. Upon arrival, his eyes met the eyes of a young girl on the balcony. The eyes were those of Juliana Cantily or as the poet called her “Ljubica”. He fell in love with the beautiful black-eyed daughter of a rich man, and although they had never touched, they shared loving glances. Ljubica’s father considered Vraz to be just a poor poet and not the right choice for his daughter. Her father soon wed her to a wealthy trader from Ljubljana. Vraz never stopped loving his Ljubica, and from this unfulfilled love a unique collection of love poetry “Djulabije” was born. Ljubica died very soon and was buried in Samobor near the church of St. Anastasia. According to the legend, Julija’s father realized his guilt and called Stanka to write the last verse on her grave. Ljubica became immortalized in poetry, and Stanko never married, remaining faithful to her love.</div>