Project Description

Muhammad and Bhagmati

Muhammad was the founder of Hyderabad. As a young prince, Muhammad fell passionately in love with a beautiful Hindu courtesan ‘Bhagmati’, a local dancer from a village Chichlam. He would cross the Musi river every day just to see her dance and hear her lovely voice, which he adored very much. One day heavy rains flooded the water of the Musi river and destroyed many homes and lives. Muhammad was so worried for Bhagmati that he immediately decided to cross the flooded river to see if his love was safe. His Royal guards tried to stop him because it was very dangerous for the young sultan to do such a thing, but it was all in vain. Muhammad bravely rode his horse to the shore of the Musi river. He forced his great stallion to step into the river and as soon as it did, a furious current nearly swept both of them away. The gods were probably to thank that they both survived and reached the other side. Ibrahim Qutb Shah, his father, was alarmed, and forbade Muhammad Quli Qutub Shah from ever meeting young Bhagmati. Muhammad was miserable without her. After a while the Sultan realized how deeply in love his son was and he decided to build a bridge on the river so that the prince would never endanger his life ever again. This was not the end of trouble for the lovers. The fact that Bhagmati was a Hindu and much older than the prince was a shock to the orthodox society. After ascending the throne, Muhammad defied all traditions and made her his queen. Hyderabad was at first named Bhagyanagar, after his beloved queen ‘Bhagmati’. But when she embraced Islam and took the name Hyder Mahal, the city was also renamed – Hyderabad.